Thursday, June 18, 2015

Sign-up and Get 700php FREE Credit in HOTELQUICKLY

Having trouble in getting a last-minute room? No Problem! Hotelquickly is there for you! This app is design for those people who needs a last-minute room reservations and in a very cheap rates! Earn credits with Hotelquickly, one of the most popular booking app in Asia. Get an instant P700 credits when you sign up and redeem using a referral code as mine (ReferralCode: KCALO)

You can gain more credit when you share the app on facebook (+1USD), twitter(+1USD) that you can do every month and even share it to your contacts(+200php). Once registered you can also refer through your referral code and each time your referral you get 1$ and when they book an accommodation, you get 15$ and so do they. I currently have a successful referral (which means that person redeemed my referral code). Eventually people will register and book and you will start accumulating enough credits to book FREE accommodations. Remember, the earlier you start the better because as people sign up, you can't be credited anymore. This app is only available on mobile and compatible with ios, android and bb users.p

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Burger King's Free Coke in Can

As a citizen who leave in a country with a high paying tax, we ought to love freebies and discounts. (who wouldn't love that?) As a mom I'm only being practical and glad that some of the things I purchased has/have rewards. Now I'm gonna share with you Burger King's Promo. We always dine in BK. They always have a promo and its written in their receipt with the instructions on how to claim it. (that's why you should always check on your receipt!!) It was only now that I decided to read it carefully. Before, their promo is a FREE upsize coke and fries when you order a Whooper Meal (that I never did claim because I'm too lazy to do the steps how to claim it). Then Last Saturday I decided to complete the step. I wasnt able to read the whole promo because for all I know it's a free upsize but surprisingly after completing the survey the manager of the branch hand me a FREE Coke in Can. Glad the manager is nice and helped me with the steps. Still have receipts from them and will answer more survey to claim my Free Coke. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Blogging and Beyond.

This will be my very first post on this blog after so many years of having it. Yes many years! Imagine.. I made this account several years ago and feel so bum every time I face the screen and start to share. Im not really good in writing stuff, what I love is talking but since my sister told me that I should speak my mind and write, I've finally decided to pursue blogging and sharing things that I want to share in the world.

To start with, I am Anne Calonge, 24 years old, a mother to a loving little boy, a wife to the most handsome guy in the world, Tan and a wanderer. I love to share things to everyone and  I love new acquaintances. Before, I am in to travelling but since I became a mom I'm in a complete idle and became more hands-on to my son which I don't regret. Having a child is really difficult (proud of my mom how she handled me while growing) but fulfilling. I get more cautious mostly in everything from garments to necessities to budget. This new world is really a culture shock for me at first but thanks to the people surrounding me for guiding me throughout the hardest stages. Now I would like to share to everyone our journey and hoping I could make more blog post (*wishful thinking). Help me making this journey meaningful and fun! :)